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The Vision

At Edwardsville we  aim to create a happy, caring, stimulating environment where learning can be both enjoyable and worthwhile for the children. We offer a broad and varied curriculum which encourages independent learning.   


The Four Core Purposes are at the heart of the new curriculum. Our curriculum is inclusive, taking into account and responding  to the unique opportunities and challenges that present themselves to individuals and groups of learners in our school.


Our school curriculum is broad and balanced and includes learning opportunities within and across all of the Areas of Learning and Experience. It encompasses the concepts in all of the Statements of What Matters and provides appropriate progression in accord with the Principles of Progression. It also aligns to the mandatory requirements of teaching Welsh, English, Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE),the mandatory elements of Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) and the cross curricular skills of literacy, numeracy and digital competence which are embedded throughout the curriculum.


The curriculum was adopted by the Governing Body in July 2022.
