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Welcome to the section of the website where you can find out about the school governors and the work that we do. 


Governors are often called critical friends as our main role is to support and challenge the Headteacher and staff. We help them to set and reach targets and to strive for excellence across the whole of school life. The key document we use for this is the School Development Plan. 


Our legal duties include:

  • setting aims and objectives for the school; 
  • adopting policies for achieving those aims and objectives;
  • setting targets for achieving those aims and objectives; 
  • reviewing progress towards achieving the aims and objectives;
  • managing the school's budget
  •  making sure that the curriculum for the school is balanced and broadly based and in particular that the National Curriculum and religious education are taught;
  •  providing parents with a report every year which includes information about National Curriculum assessments and examination results;
  • appointing the head teacher and deputy head teacher (with advice from the LA) and other staff and regulating staff conduct and discipline; 
  • drawing up an action plan following an Estyn inspection.



Who are we?  



Chair of Governing Body

Community Governor              



Mr L. Matuszczyk


Vice Chair

Local Authority Governor


Mrs M Bounds





Mrs E Edmunds


Teacher Governor



Mrs B Knill 


Non-Teaching Staff Governor



Miss N Ryan 


Parent Governors

Mrs K Parry 


Miss  L. Miles



Mrs R. Morgan

Awaiting photograph



Mrs S. Breese

Awaiting photograph


Local Authority & Community Governors


Mr G. Richards



Mr G. Thomas

Awaiting photograph



Mrs R. Morris


Mrs J. Edwards


Clerk to the Governors


Mrs L. Hopkin

Tel -  01685 725141




Welsh Government Guidance; Governors’ Annual Report to Parents and Parents’ Meetings
