Junior Road Safety Officers play an essential role in supporting the school in promoting road safety issues with the children, parents and wider community of Edwardsville. They work closely with the LA road safety officer and meet regularly to discuss road safety issues outside our school.
Year 5 and 6 who would like to become a JRSO complete an application form. Mrs Edmunds and the LA road safety officer choose 6 pupils from the applications to become JRSOs.
JRSOs hold regular assemblies informing the rest of the school about road safety issues, setting up competitions to design posters and banners and asking for ideas how to improve road safety around our school.
The main focus of their work is improving the road safety at drop off and pick up times outside of the school.
Traffic Survey
On Tuesday the 16th November the Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO) did a traffic survey to find out how many cars were parking illegally outside of Edwardsville Primary School. There have been multiple near misses this year where a car has almost hit a child or an adult when they were crossing the road to school.
This is what they saw: