School Logo


Edwardsville is the place to EXPLORE, EXCITE, EXCEL.


Like any other school, we at Edwardsville Primary have a remarkable job to do. The responsibility to make your child’s education the best it can be is ours.  Children are at the heart of this school. Every decision made and every action taken is for the ultimate benefit of our pupils. At Edwardsville Primary School we pride ourselves on holding a vision for our pupils that ensures that all pupils achieve the very best education.




Reviewing the Curriculum


Our school curriculum will be kept under review to ensure that it is meeting the needs of our learners and supports our school vision. Throughout the year there will be a variety of self-evaluation activities to inform our understanding of the effectiveness of our curriculum and the required revision. We will work within our school, within and cross cluster and in partnership with governors, CSC and the local authority to further develop a shared understanding of progression and to ensure a high-quality 3-16 continuum of learning for all.

