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Edwardsville is the place to EXPLORE, EXCITE, EXCEL.


Like any other school, we at Edwardsville Primary have a remarkable job to do. The responsibility to make your child’s education the best it can be is ours.  Children are at the heart of this school. Every decision made and every action taken is for the ultimate benefit of our pupils. At Edwardsville Primary School we pride ourselves on holding a vision for our pupils that ensures that all pupils achieve the very best education.



Our Vision        


We are an exceptional school at the heart of the community, striving for excellence and enabling our children to achieve their highest potential. A place where everyone is a learner and every experience is an exciting learning opportunity.


Our school vision was created in consultation with stakeholders - the school held an INSET day with all staff and governors to consider the vision.  The school vision has been closely aligned to the school’s mission statement: “Explore, Excite, Excel” and to the underlying principles of the new curriculum. Our vision underpins all areas of school life.


The curriculum was developed in consultation with stakeholders to realise the vision, including:

  • Whole staff team identifying the required changes to our current cultures, provision and practices.
  • Staff engagement in professional learning, reading and research into curriculum design and teaching approaches.
  • Consultation with parents and families particularly in relation to what they felt was important for children to learn and know about in terms of the local context
  • Staff working together focusing on Statements of What Matters and Principles of Progression
  • Involving the 2 Learning Resource Base classes onsite in the design process ensuring that the provision is appropriate for all learners’ needs.
  • All staff considering the learners’ needs and the school context related to the four purposes ensuring that the curriculum offer would also ensure a focus on achieving high standards
  • Developing long and medium-term plans and carrying out several iterations as part of a continuous process of review and refinement.
  • Cluster working in planning to ensure progression along the 3-16 continuum as well as collaboration across clusters
  • Partnerships with a range of providers from the local and wider community on providing learners with distinct and enriching experiences including careers and work related experiences (CWRE).
  • All learners engaging in discussions at the beginning and end of learning themes, giving learners a voice in what and how they learn.

Consideration of the impact on learners’ mental health and emotional well-being has been fundamental in all curriculum decision making.







Alongside our vision, we hold a set of shared values that we aim to develop within our pupils and staff. Not only do we aim to develop pupils academically, but believe that our role as a school is to also promote the well-being and self-esteem of every individual.


Our goal is to ensure that Edwardsville Primary School will be a ‘School of Excellence’ where all children feel happy, safe, stimulated and valued; where expectations and standards are maintained to a high level in every facet of the school’s organisation; where maintaining the highest quality of teaching, learning, resources and environment provides for the best possible education. Primarily, it must be a place where children are and always will be our main consideration.





A New Curriculum for Wales 2022 


At Edwardsville we  aim to create a happy, caring, stimulating environment where learning can be both enjoyable and worthwhile for the children. We offer a broad and varied curriculum which encourages independent learning.   


The Four Core Purposes are at the heart of the new curriculum. Our curriuclum is inclusive, taking into account and responding  to the unique opportunities and challenges that present themselves to individuals and groups of learners in our school.

Our school curriculum is broad and balanced and includes learning opportunities within and across all of the Areas of Learning and Experience. It encompasses the concepts in all of the Statements of What Matters and provides appropriate progression in accord with the Principles of Progression. It also aligns to the mandatory requirements of teaching Welsh, English, Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE),the mandatory elements of Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) and the cross curricular skills of literacy, numeracy and digital competence which are embedded throughout the curriculum.


The curriculum was adopted by the Governing Body in July 2022.

Reviewing the Curriculum


Our school curriculum will be kept under review to ensure that it is meeting the needs of our learners and supports our school vision. Throughout the year there will be a variety of self-evaluation activities to inform our understanding of the effectiveness of our curriculum and the required revision. We will work within our school, within and cross cluster and in partnership with governors, CSC and the local authority to further develop a shared understanding of progression and to ensure a high-quality 3-16 continuum of learning for all.

