Reporting Your Child Absent
Please telephone school on the first day of your child's absence giving a reason for the absence. The lines are open from 8:30am or you can leave a message.
Pupil Attendance
If your child is absent and it is COVID related please telephone the school as soon as possible. You will need to tell us:
Given the strong and proven link between ’Attendance & Attainment’, the Welsh Government is placing a strong emphasis on improving levels of attendance in all our schools.
Research evidence indicates clearly that the more regularly a child attends school, the more they will learn and achieve. At our school, we are committed to providing your child with the best possible education and ensuring that they achieve to the best of their ability. Please therefore support this school by ensuring your child attends school on time and regularly throughout the academic year.
We fully recognise that pupils are at times absent due to genuine reasons such as personal ill health and medical and dental appointments. However, we as a school ask for your full co-operation to ensure, as best as possible, that such visits take place either at the end of the school day or during the school holiday period.
Regular attendance is the key to your child making good progress at school and we look forward to working closely together with all parents to ensure that every child is able to achieve their full potential at Edwardsville Primary School.