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How do we support children with SEN?

Support / Intervention

Support / Intervention at Edwardsville Primary is delivered through a four phase graduated response system.


Phase 1  Quality Teaching

We provide inclusive environments to meet the needs of all our learners e.g. visual timetables are consistent in all classrooms as are classroom rules  and available resources e.g. left handed scissors/ fidget toys. Classroom displays are uncluttered and provide learning  support e.g. Get writing walls display vocabulary children are currently using. Work is adjusted  to suit the abilities of all children –this is called differentiation.

The views of the children are very important to us and we take these into account. Parents have a vital role to play and your opinion will be sought and also taken into account. Most of our support for children who have special educational needs happens in class with the classroom teacher and Learning Support Assistants.


Phase 2 -School based interventions


 Where children are identified as having difficulty, the  barriers to learning are identified, support is targeted  and children’s progress closely monitored. Assessments and  screeners  are some of the tools  used in school to track progress e.g. Wellcomm literacy assessment. Work is  planned to support the next steps (the targets). The targets are reviewed regularly and adjusted if not met or new targets set. This information collected over time provides evidence to determine if the child is making progress. The effectiveness of interventions is also reviewed to ensure they are effective for individual children.


Phase 3- External agency intervention


If a child has accessed school based interventions and is still having difficulties then additional support is available from  specialist external agencies. This may involve the Educational psychologist, Neurodevelopment Service, Speech and Language service  etc . The school will collaborate with the agency and include their recommendations as part of a plan for the child. This plan id reviewed regularly and progress monitored.


Phase 4- Specialist Provision


When evidence of a graduated response has been has been collected, if a child is still having difficulties a specialist placement may be required. The authority have a range of specialist provisions available e.g. nurture classes, Learning Resource Bases and a specialist school. Evidence may be collected and submitted to the Local Authority panel who will consider the evidence presented and decide upon placement.
