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1 AD ( Mrs Andrews / Mrs Davies )

Croeso i dosbarth 1A/D!


Class Teachers: Mrs Davies ( Mon- Wed) and Mrs Andrews ( Thurs & Fri)

LSA: Mr Jones
Other support: Mr Williams 


For regular information/updates and to contact the teachers join our class dojo.


If you would like to keep up to date with school life and see photos of our wonderful class please follow our school twitter account!


Reading: Your child will need to bring their reading book folders on a Monday. 
They will read/change their home reader once a week in school. 


PE day:
On Mondays please ensure that your child is dressed in suitable clothing for P. E (leggings, joggers, t-shirt, trainers) and also for the weather as some lessons will take place outdoors. 

Autumn term


Our topic this term is: Fire Fire 

We have started our topic with an immersion day making Tudor houses and watching the models catch fire and burn.  This will allow the children to have a real life experience of fire and to all have the opportunity to engae in discussion using their senses after this experience.

Throughout our topic we are going to be looking at a range of significant figures / events. 
Using one of our focus books ' Vlad and The Great Fire of London' we will be investigating a range of materials in STEM and looking at their properties after being in a fire. 
There will be lots of ICT to create a poster and use captions for a fire safety poster and we will even be using a range of mediums to draw our own Tudor houses. 


Take a look at our Autumn overview to find out more... 

Spring term


Blwyddyn Newydd Dda Pawb! Happy New Year Everyone! 


We are kickstarting this term with our new topic 'Cynefin'. 


Cynefin is a Welsh term defined by Curriculum for Wales as 'the place where we feel we belong, where the people and landscape around us are familiar, and the sights and sounds are reassuringly recognisable.


This is a fantastic topic to engage the children. We will enjoy lots of discussion about their local community and they will learn more when completing work on the village/ place they live in. 


Help your child prepare for their project

Please talk to you children about the local area, your experiences of growing up here, the physical features and landmarks that make it so special. Discuss any community groups you may belong to, for example church, choir, rugby teams etc and how important they are to create a sense of community. 


Take a look at our Spring Overview below...

Resources to support your child's learning at home. 

Summer term Trip - Noah's Ark Zoo Farm

Trip photos part

Still image for this video

Trip photos part

Still image for this video