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Year 5/6N

Summer Term

Our topic this term has been Tomorrows World. We have been looking closely at technology and how it has changed. We have decided to update our class website by writing our own class blog about what we have done.

Glass Guardians

We have had great fun this week planning what we were going to make for entrepreneurial week. We have decided to be Glass Guardians; trying to make money as well as help the environment. 

Problem Solving Challenging


Problem solving gadgets


We had to figure out what things the government spy agency's top spy should have on them in a mission.To do this we used geocaches to locate the secret messages. We used a mirror to decode the message  because it was backwards, we needed to put the mirror on the message so we could see the message the right way round.  We were set a challenge to find different combinations of futuristic tech that spy’s needed to wear.

By Evan and Jaideep


Our Fantastic Problem Solving Work

Expressive Arts


Music and Dance

Innovators of Technology


Spring Term 2021

(Blended Learning)

Our topic this term has ben Frozen Kingdom. We have been looking at the Arctic and Antarctic regions of our world. We have researched the animals that live there and found out about exceptional explorers. 

Autumn Term 2020


Mindfulness Activities

Collaborative maths games!

Remembrance Day Silhouette Paintings

Tudor Art

We have been looking at Tudor portraits and we drew Henry VIII

We painted portraits of our friends


We have been looking at Tudor exploration and we have investigated how forces would have affected Tudor ships.

   Summer Term 2020


This term we have been learning about The Environment and Pollution. It has been a very strange term as everybody is learning from home. We have been using learning platforms such as Google Classroom, Purple Mash, Do Jo and Prodigy. The children have been working very hard during this difficult time.

Below are examples of some of the lovely pieces of work the children have created.

Key Worker Posters

Making useful items out of recycled materials


Other interesting things we have been doing

Time Capsule Challenge

Design a reusable bag for Aldi

Creating pictures using natural materials

We used craft materials to create and label parts of a flower
