School Logo

Year 1/2R

Home Learning activity ideas

Above are some ideas for home learning. Please access these if your child is self isolating for any reason. In the case of the whole class needing to self isolate, I will be providing work weekly from home myself.


If you have any questions please contact me via class dojo. Miss Rees


Class Teacher: Miss B Rees

LSA: Miss C Hodgson

PE Day: Fridays (Kit can be worn to school)

Reading books: Tuesday

Spellings: Fridays


Please join our class dojo account for regular updates, reminders and events.


Autumn Term 1


We are very excited to start welcoming the children back next week and are looking forward to starting a brand new school year!



The focus for the next few weeks will be wellbeing. We will be doing activities that concentrate on settling your child into school and making sure they are happy! :)


Our class book for this half term will be 'The day the Crayons quit'.









This half term we have been working very hard to improve our wellbeing and making sure that we are settled back into school. We have enjoyed reading the story 'The day the crayons quit'. We have designed and made masks, asked people about their favourite colour, made new colours by colouring mixing with paint and wrote and asked questions to one of the characters from the book. Have a look at some photos below from this half term!

Look at our wonderful Hallowen costimes!

World Science Day

Children in need and Odd Socks day 2020!

Christmas Hat Day!

Christmas 2020!

Home learning activities W.b. 6.01.2021

Home learning 11th January 2021

Home learning 18th January 2021

Dydd santes Dwynwen hapus!

To infinity and beyond!

1/2R have been designing 'croeso' posters this week for the classroom door! Finding a winner is going to be a tough decision! Bendigedig pawb!

Chinese New Year!

Fresh Air Friday!

St David's Day!

World Book Day!

Science Week!
