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Year 1/2P

Croeso i flwyddyn 1/2 P Sept. 2020

Class teachers - Miss L. Powell & Mrs. G. Howells

LSA - Miss J. Hier



Below are some ideas for home learning. Please access these if your child is self isolating for any reason. In the case of the whole class needing to self isolate, I will be providing work weekly from home myself.


If you have any questions please contact me via class dojo. Miss Powell.



    PE - Monday (children can wear jogging bottoms and trainers to school ready for this)

    Reading  - Reading books will come home on a Friday. Return to school by Monday/Tuesday

    Spellings will be given on Class Dojo on a Friday and tested the following Friday.


The focus for the next few weeks will be well being. We will be doing activities that concentrate on settling your child into school and making sure they are happy! :)


Our class book for this half term will be 'The day the Crayons quit'.


Home Learning 16th -18th December

Look at our work 6th - 8th January 2021

Home Learning 11th - 15th January 2021

Home Learning 18th - 22nd January

Dydd Santes Dwynwen hapus

Home Learning 25th - 29th January

Home learning 1st - 8th February

Shwmaeroment - Welsh cooking task


As part of a Shwmaeroment competition in Merthyr to promote Welsh. Perhaps you would like to do some cooking of traditional Welsh recipes.

Encourage children to cook welsh
traditional foods.
EG: Welsh cakes, bara brith,
Try to ask for pictures/videos of this.
If a video could be filmed of pupils
cooking this will then be shown on the
Council’s Facebook page. There are
many ideas which can be found on the
Museum of Welsh Life website (St
Fagan’s) see link below
This website may also help:

If you would like to cook some recipes with your child over half term, please can you upload any photos/videos onto Class dojo that can be entered into the school entry for the competition.
We have to ask for your help with this as we are not allowed to cook at school, due to the Covid restrictions.

St David's Day 2021 - cooking made at home during half term.

World Book day 4th March 2021

Home learning 8th - 12th March Science Week

Active Merthyr Challenge - 30 miles walked in February

Get Writing - Persuasive writing
