School Logo

year 1 AG

Croeso i dosbarth 1D/H!


Class Teachers: Mrs Davies and Mrs Howells 

LSA: Miss Hillberg 
Other support: Miss Thomas 


For regular information/updates and to contact the teachers join our class dojo.


If you would like to keep up to date with school life and see photos of our wonderful class please follow our school twitter account!


Reading: Your child will need to bring their reading book folders on a Monday and a Thursday. 
They will read/change their home reader once a week on one of these days in school. 


PE day:
On Mondays please ensure that your child is dressed in suitable clothing for P. E (leggings, joggers, t-shirt, trainers) and also for the weather as some lessons will take place outdoors. 


Autumn term


Our topic this term is: Magnificent Monarchs

We have started our topic with an immersion day filled with royal fun and games. 

Throughout our topic we are going to be looking at a range of significant figures / events. 
Using one of our focus books ' The Paperbag Princess' we will be investigating a range of materials to design and make her a new outfit. 
There will be lots of ICT to find out fun facts and we will even be drawing a portrait of ourselves as a royal using a range of mediums. 


Take a look at our Autumn overview to find out more... 

Spring Term


Our topic this term is 'School days' and 'Street View'. Our topics will teach the children about their own school and locality, both today and in the past. They will compare schooling in the Victorian era to their experiences today.


We will be looking at a range of texts. Our fiction Focus will be  Whiffy Wilson: The Wolf who wouldn't go to school and our non fiction text will be The Ragged Schools from our ORT books. 


We will be looking at artwork by James Rizzi and Dorian Spencer Davies who is a renowned welsh artist and creating our own masterpieces.


We will be celebrating our welsh heritage by learning about the Story of St David and taking part in a range of different tasks that enable us to take part in our school Eisteddfod to celebrate 


Please see our knowledge organiser below for a list of vocabulary and knowledge linked to our topic!

Summer Term


Our topics this term are 'Coastline' 'Will it degrade? ' and 'Beach Hut'.


Our topics will teach children about the physical and human features of coastal regions whilst looking at the coastal town of Barry Island in detail. We will be making and strengthening structures, including different ways to to join materials. As well as looking at degradable materials. 


We are looking forward to lots of exciting Summer activities and inviting you all in for our Parent Open Afternoon. 

The children had an amazing time on our trip to Barry Island. 


Look at all those smiles. 😊

Home Activities Grid

Resources to support learning at home 
