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Year 5/6G

Home Learning Tasks 


Since the school closure in March, you have been learning at a distance and staying safe. During that time you have been working hard, under difficult circumstances and produced some really great pieces of work. So, well done all - brilliant effort :) 

Look what has been turned in! 






This term we have been studying all aspects of the environment and here are some great examples of our work. Enjoy!


Task - to create something useful from our recycling waste

Look what we produced!

Recycling - Upcycled

Making Biscuits


We carried out a survey to discover our family's favourite biscuits, then used our measuring skills to bake or own.

Look at the amazing biscuits we made - yum!

Some of the other tasks and things we have been doing.

We have been doing allsorts of fun things, like yoga, drawing, making posters, practicing our musical skills and showing our gratitude to key workers.

On Monday 18th May, every year, the Urdd (Welsh Youth organisation) celebrate Peace and Goodwill Day.

Like many other young people around the world we created and sent some messages. 

Some of our messages

Our Bag Designs for the Aldis competition


We considered what we might put into a time capsule for people or ourselves to discover in the future. It would remind us of what life was like during the Pandemic in 2020



We wrote about ourselves, family, pets, hobbies and interests and school life. Check them out to see what we've said




This half term we have been studying/surveying/analysing the wildlife in our environment. Here are some of the great pieces of work we've produced. 



The Mysterious Wood

We have written our ideas for what might have happened in this mysterious place, 3 months previously. Do you agree?


We picked buttercups and dissected them to obsetrve the reproductive parts of the flower.


                               COMIC STRIPS


Comic Strips

BIODIVERSITY - help to sustain this for our future!!
